building up immunity in the time of covid-19




These are the questions you've all been asking...
What do you think? What will happen? Will my life ever return to my life as I knew it?

Where is my Crystal Ball ???


In our current intensive and perplexing predicament, we pretty much all wonder… at least now and then…will we be exposed, will we fall ill, will we even die, from the new coronavirus?

As far as exposure to the novel coronavirus goes, it may be more accurately a question of when rather than whether. But falling ill (at all — and that may be no more than what seems like a common cold) or worse will hopefully and likely happen to relatively few rather than most.

Right now we are all scratching our heads and making our plans. How do we tip toe or perhaps leap back into those lives we left a few months back? We want as many answers and as many safety measures as we possibly can.

I wish I had that crystal ball.


Since I don’t ...

I am forging ahead anyway - diving into the TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) wells of resource and experience to tell you this:

The very best way to be our most prepared for exposure and to prevent the very worst should we be exposed is ...

  1. Keep Cool—stress less and/or address stress. Move the Qi

  2. Build and/or Rebuild Immunity POWER. Strengthen the Qi

Think about this: If we are moving and flowing and flexible like water and waves, we aren’t feeling stuck, contracted and stressed-shut. There are acu-points and herbs for that! Also fresh air, exercise, meditation, dancing, singing, laughing! Move the Qi.


And Strengthen the Qi. Specifically the zheng qi — ‘core’ or ‘upright’ Qi which is also our antipathogenic (disease destroying) Qi — and the wei qi — our ‘fierce’ and ‘protective’ immunity Qi. The stronger the Qi, the greater the barrier against potential penetrating pathogensFor the best in Qi tonics, Chinese herbal formulations deliver. They’re focused, balanced and carefully prepared.


You may already have one or more of these Qi-fortifying formulas in your medicine cabinets:

  • Jade Windscreen (Yu Ping Feng San)

  • Central Qi Teapills / Ginseng & Astragalus (Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang)

  • Astragalus & Ligustrum (Huang Qi Dong Qing Pian)

  • Six Gentlemen Formula (Liu Jun Zi Tang)

Jade Windscreen (Yu Ping Feng San) — the first-in-line formula for building immunity with Astragalus as its most important herb. Saponins (lower cholesterol, increase immunity, prevent cancer), flavonoids (antioxidant, prevent cardiovascular diseases, cancer & autoimmune viruses) and polysaccharides (anti-microbial, anti-viral & anti-inflammatory) contained in Astragalus make it the super-herb that it is. Known for these everything-immunity benefits as well as its adaptogenic (kind of like a thermostat “adapting” how it works, regulating & moderating so the body will “adapt” and react just as it should) qualities, Astragalus bolsters and builds the protective Qi barrier. 

Central Qi Teapills / Ginseng & Astragalus (Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang) — classic formula for Raising the Yang Qi, that warming metabolizing invigorating action-energy of the body. Astragalus is the chief / main herb  while Ginseng Ren Shen — the great herbal tonifier of our Source Qi, the basis of all qi in the body — takes the ‘deputy’ role to support the ‘chief’ and add its own quality of strength. For those of us who need a little more warming and vitalizing.

Astragalus & Ligustrum (Huang Qi Dong Qing Pian) — another Astragalus-as-chief formula with Ligustrum Nu Zhen Zi as deputy to focus on supporting deficiencies of essence and of Yin Qi, the qi that moistens, cools, softens and substantiates our fluid bodies. To build immunity where it is compromised, those with underlying deficient conditions, autoimmune diseases, and in the elderly.

Six Gentlemen Formula (Liu Jun Zi Tang) — with Ginseng Ren Shen as the chief / main herb. No Astragalus, so a slightly different type formula. This one is probably the most widely depended upon qi tonic in the Chinese pharmacopeia. It builds qi. It strengthens the lungs clearing phlegm and dampness. A great boon for respiratory preparedness.

There are other important formulas with focused functions that may be appropriate and beneficial. Like this one:

Sheng Mai San (Generate the Pulse Powder) — for those with chronic deficiencies or who have suffered serious illness and are still quite weakened. Ginseng Ren Shen is the chief here strengthening our source energy. Ophiopogon Mai Men Dong as the deputy moistens, cools, and generates fluids (what Yin Qi does) with Schizandra Wu Wei Zi assisting the generating of fluids and containing them as well. This formula is a Yang Qi and a Yin Qi tonic. Aids recovery and rebuilding.

And maybe, add a little Peace & Calm with a calming formula:

An Mien Formula (An Mien Pian) — translated as Peaceful Sleep — calms the shen — the spirit and the mind — a favorite and popular formula. It supports and opens the ‘heart’, supplements qi, yin, and blood. An Mien Pian encourages uninterrupted restful sleep and reduces stress.

And finally, if you want to Move that Qi, if you’re feeling a little down, a little stuck, a little anxious, try this one:

Free & Easy Wanderer / Rambling Powder (Xiao Yao San) — regulates, invigorates, spreads Qi and harmonizes at the same time. This is a formula that will alleviate some pains (like headaches and cramps), ease stress, balance hormones, and improve your mood.

If you have flu-like symptoms, these cold-and-flu patent remedies are tried and true.

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There are now modified / specific COVID-19 formulations.